Aslan art

A series of half a dozen albums on Fontana’s Après-Minuit label in France, issued in 1967 and 1968. They feature illustrations from glamour artist Alain Gourdon, better known as Aslan. Aslan specialised in paintings of women in various states of dress or undress in less PC days, many done for the French Men’s magazine Lui and other titles. He also did pulp or sub-Mills and Boons paperback covers and a few vinyl sleeves. Here are four for the French Fontana label who went for a tartan fabric back pattern to unify the covers. Musically these were all kind of French orchestral / pop covers as far as I can work out, so I would think they hoped to push them at a slightly older male music buyer.
He also did a few commissions including a great cover for Mireille Mathieu which is featured on this site, and the rather camp cover for singer Joe Dassin (below), dressed all in white to match his cat (1974)! In later years some of his more explicit illustrations were lifted by bootleggers for illegal live releases by Joy Division and The Cure but you will have to search for those yourselves…